My Blog

I am NOT an ambulance driver!! (I just drive an ambulance)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Toys

I recently purchased two new toys with a portion of my tax return. I bought a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 and a Citadel 1911A1. I actually broke down and bought a .45. They both handle pretty well.

My CWP came in 10 days earlier than I expected it to. Now, I'm working on getting my NH CWP. I need to come up with one more reference, fill out the paperwork and cut a check. That CWP will allow me to carry in the entire Southeast.

It's about to get busier. In about a week, I will be back in NH for my great-grandmother's 100th birthday. I then come back and work for a few weeks and start my Criticle Care Paramedic Class at AB Tech in Ashville, North Carolina. I am looking forward to the class, but I am not looking forward to the 17 day straight class. I definitely cannot wait for April to get here.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sick and Tired

As you can read in the title, I am sick and tired. A second Aiken, SC police officer has been killed in the line of duty in the past two months. I hope they catch the purpetrator and kill him.

A few weeks ago, a legal, CWP holder shot and killed one of two armed robbers in a Spartanburg, SC Waffle House. Kudos for the CWP holder.

What am I sick and tired of? I am tired of these scumbag criminals thinking they can get away with whatever they want. I'm glad one of the two robbers is dead. The second one has been arrested. He is being charged with murder since he was committing a crime that ended in death. If he is convicted and ever gets out of prison, I bet he'll think twice before attempting to rob someplace again.

I don't believe in vigilante justice. I do believe I have a God-given right to protect my life and property, my family, and anyone else who cannot protect themselves.

"In society there are sheep, there are wolves and then there are sheep dogs.... Sheep are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident. Wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Sheepdogs live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.” -Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

I have a CWP now, it came 10 days early. I refuse to be a sheep. I will not be wolf. I will be a sheepdog.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Checking In

Not much going on right now...just work, work, work....I might be getting some extra hours in the next few weeks...we'll see.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Seasons Greetings

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

I was able to score a week off from work to drive to the 603 for some family time. I hadn't been up there for about a year and a half. I forgot how cold it can get up there in the winter time.

One of my cousins is with child. She announced it is a girl and they are naming her after my grandmother. That's pretty cool. My 99-almost-100-year-old great-grandmother wants to know when I'm going to start bringing her some great-great-grandchildren. I told her I need to find a good girl that can put up with me. Havn't been able to find any yet. Maybe in the new year.

Anyone have any New Year's Resolutions? I don't have resolutions, but I do have 2012 goals. I read somewhere that you have a higher chance of completeing goals if they are in writing. A couple months ago I wrote out 10 goals to complete in 2012. They are as follows:

2012 Goals
Complete by 12/31/2012
1. Get in shape
2. Obtain CWP (completed 11/2011 CWP card by 02/2012)
3. Complete Berlitz Spanish program
4. Pay off Car
5. Become CCEMT-P (have textbook and registered for class 3/12/2012-03/29/2012)
6. Become Dive certified
7. Start Excelsior college
8. Start relationship
9. Roll retirement to stocks
10. Get house ready to rent out

I have already completed one goal and am signed up for a CCEMT-P class already. Maybe there is something to writing your goals down.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


My partner is a southern, country gal. She talks southern and she acts southern. She is from the Anderson county and has lived there all of her life. She is one of the nicest, sweetest people I've ever met.

I just walked into the Day Room at work and my partner was sitting on a chair reading the newest version of Jailbirds. I jokingly asked if she was looking for her kinfolk. She burst out laughing and pointed out all of her friends and relatives mugshots.

I was joking, she wasn't.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Occupy a Job!!

The whole Occupy Wallstreet thing is getting pretty old. I, for one, am getting tired of hearing about it.

I have no problem with people exercising their right to free speech, but their right ends when it interferes with the majority. They can protest all they want, but they need to start applying for the appropriate permits and taking the necessary steps.

In D.C. yesterday, police had a standoff with protesters perched on top of a hastily erected building in the middle of a public park. There were no permits obtained, so it was built illegally. Also, looking at the pictures, it didn't look very safe.

Again, I have no problem with someone's right to assemble and right to protest, but these inconsiderate buffoons are costing tax payer's money. Instead of trying to actively correct a problem, they are actively creating a problem.

Enough is enough!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Time for an Update

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I spent some time before work with my sister and her roommates. It was quite tasty.

I took another hand gun class this past week at Allen Arms. It was Defensive Handgun Level II. What an excellent class! We had small simulations which included shooting from a seated position (in a car or ate a table), retention shooting, low-light and moving targets. Unfortunately, the next class I would like to take, Defensive Handgun Level III, is a significant price increase. Since overtime has dried up at my place of employee, I am currently looking for a part time job. I am also reading an excellent book called "Tactical Pistol Shooting." I'm hoping to get techniques and tips out of the book that I can incorporate at the range to improve my shooting. I'm going to try to compete in the Action Pistol match December 15th at Allen Arms.

I will be going to my hometown in less than a month!! I havn't been to NH since August of last year. I am looking forward to seeing mi familia.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Busy Week

I cannot believe it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I did take, and successfully pass, the Concealed Weapons Class. Now I just need to wait until February to receive my permit. I scored 50/50 on the written exam and 48/50 on the range. The only reason why it wasn't 50/50 on the range was because somehow, 2 of my 9mm rounds ended up in my .40 cal magazines. Oh well.

H.R. 822 is scheduled for the House of Representatives floor later today. For those that do not know, it creates a national CWP reciprocity. If you hold a CWP in one state, you can carry in any state (similar to a driver's license being recognized). I definitely want this to pass!! You better vote for it Congressman Gowdy!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Busy Weekend

I am planning on taking a CWP class this Saturday. I'm so excited!!!

This Sheriff has my vote.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Not much going on at work right now, so I'm looking online for some good ammunition so I can start stocking up for the coming zombie apocolypse. This might get expensive...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Open Minded Irony

I was working with someone a few months ago and had an interesting discussion. He and I do not think alike and we do not have the same beliefs or opinions. He told me that we need to be open minded to other people's beliefs. I told him I am open minded. In my opinion, people can believe whatever the want. It doesn't matter if I think they're wrong, they still have a right to believe it. He didn't like that statement. He told me that by my belief someone's opinion is wrong is being closed minded.

That got me to thinking. Is he not experiencing the same close-mindedness by saying I am wrong to say someone else is wrong? My beliefs shape and define who I am. Many ideologies today leave no openness for oposing views. For instance, I believe action "A" is wrong. My friend Bubba, believes action "A" is the right thing to do. If Bubba ask me my views on action "A," and I do not tell him I think it is wrong, does that not belittle my convictions?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm Back

I'm back to writing on my blog.
I have completed my Associate in Applied Science Degree in Emergency Medical Technology. I also will not be working as many hours as I did before. I also have more time to invest in blogging because I am working night shift, which is much more relaxed and can be slower.
We'll see how I do.

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